If you’re anything like me, then you’ve had enough of Sarah Palin and her so-called "Mama Grizzlies" saying that they speak for all of us. Well, that’s just not true: Palin and the extremist candidates she endorses stick up for corporations, not working families. They’re against health care and for Wall Street interests. And they […]
The Real #TeaParty From A GOP Casuality.. They must not succeed lest country’s demise. #p2 #tcot
A friend brought this article to my attention earlier today. This article is a must read and enlightening to the demagoguery of the GOP leaders. As opposed to herding their flock to the direction they know ultimately lead to success, they are willing to promote the mis-education of their constituents. The article paints a worst […]
Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
I have ridden the MS-150 bike tour, a 185 mile cycling event between Houston and Austin overf two days. I must admit that initially I did not do this cycling event due to my interest in the disease but for the adventure. I became aware of the disease when I realized that Melanie Lawson, a […]
CNN Poll: Gay Marriage Support 52% Support – 46% Opposed #p2 #tcot #teaparty #LGBT
Polls should not matter for civil rights but I am happy that America in general is enlightening itself. Now if we could only get the damage to this country by the Right Wing purged, we can can remain a viable country. (CNN) – Nearly half of all Americans think the Constitution provides same-sex couples the […]
Dems Slam Mike Pence for Hosting Job Fair with Stimulus-Backed Employers #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, like other Republicans in Congress this week, excoriated Democrats for their $26 billion extension of stimulus aid, which President Obama signed into law this week, as a state "bailout" that enables states to put off hard budget decisions. While on the House floor criticizing the aid package on Tuesday, […]
IN Gov. Mitch Daniels beg Feds for money in bill then criticizes it #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Democrats are denouncing Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels for saying that the federal government sending additional money to the states is not a good idea – after he signed a letter in February asking Congress to extend enhanced payments to fund Medicaid. But while Daniels criticized the $26 billion package that President Barack Obama signed […]
Gingrich: To Fight Socialism We Must Become Communist #p2 #tcot #teaparty
This is one of Jon Stewart’s best on the hypocrisy and stupidity of the Republican economic “platform”. Listen in its entirety. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Deductible Me www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party
LATE-BREAKING: Border sheriff responds to Perry’s event #billwhite #p2 #tcot
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, August 10, 2010 LATE-BREAKING: Border sheriff responds to Perry’s event HOUSTON — After a meeting with border sheriffs in San Antonio today, Val Verde Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez said, "I wasn’t too impressed with anything he said there. I don’t see any change. We will have to handle our own problems." […]
Kingwood Observer Article (2010-08-11)The Fix is in-this total misinforming of America #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Click here for PDF of this article.
Public Opposes Cutting Social Security To Trim Deficit: New Poll. Class Warfare in our future. #p2 #tcot #teaparty
The average American is not stupid when they are actually confronted with the only real safety net they have. Why would they want the deficit reduced on their backs when corporate leaders no matter what, get millions for their safety net when they are laid off, fired, or disengaged from their corporation. Those of us […]