Forget about apathy. Progressives must vote this cycle or risk the well being of the country. PERIOD. The Tea Party is on a roll with its upset Senate primary victory in Delaware. If the rest of us don’t start raising hell, the Tea Party will have us living it. Are you mad as hell but […]
GOP Policy Proposals, From Tax Cuts To Anchor Babies, Viewed Skeptically By Voters
The most important line of this article … Coming less than two months before the 2010 elections, the findings feed a question often bandied about by Democratic strategists not associated with specific campaign committees — why has the party been so ineffective in focusing the spotlight on the Republican alternatives being offered to voters? The […]
Five Progressives In Swing Districts Are Bucking The Tide
If you asked your neighbor or family of policies they all like without referencing political party or ideology, I will guarantee you that most people will be identified as Liberals. I have actually done an empirical test of this sort in my very conservative neighborhood. I casually discuss policies from a completely nonpolitical stance and […]
Rich Americans Save Tax Cuts Instead of Spending, Moody’s Says #p2 #tcot #teaparty
With all the information out there that proves that the marginal propensity to consume of the middleclass is more so than the wealthy it is sad that the media does not call Republicans on the stimulative properties of tax cuts to the rich relative to the budget deficit as opposed to that solely for the […]
Cost of Perry’s negligence now nearly $21 billion #p2 #tcot #teaparty
$21 billion: Toll of Perry’s negligence rising Lawmakers reveal true size of growing budget deficit HOUSTON — Texans face the consequences of Rick Perry’s deliberate negligence of our budget deficit, as state leaders for the first time tallied the budget deficit at nearly $21 billion, the Dallas Morning News reports. "Rick Perry can run but […]
Healthcare For America Now: URGENT: Call Your Senator Today #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Democrats in Congress are continuing to work to create jobs in America and support small businesses. As the Small Business Jobs Act (H.R. 5297) comes to a vote in Congress next week, Republicans are trying to use it as an opportunity to repeal and weaken the new health care law. Senator Johanns (R-NE) has offered […]
Rugs, Cheap Rugs, Area Rugs? Healthy Rugs?
Seems like this company has been making these Oriental Rugs and other type of rugs for over 20 years. They seem to have duplicated many ancient rugs with the original ancient accents one would expect of much more expensive rugs of this type and quality. The site allows for searching by color, size, shape, and […]
Extreme Body Workouts, The Only Way To Go
Are you looking for an alternative to the P90X workout? Are in for a real workout? Do you want to burn calories like a furnace powered like a nuclear power reactor on the verge of meltdown? Do you want an insanityworkout? If the above is true then you must visit for all the products […]
Slate: Proof Better Income Growth for Middleclass Under Democrats and all overall #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Did the United States grow more unequal while Republicans were in power? It sounds crude, but Princeton political scientist Larry Bartels has gone a long way toward proving it. Bartels looked up income growth rates for families at various income percentiles for the years 1948 to 2005, then cross-checked these with whether the president was […]
Slate: The Great Divergence In Pictures. A Visual Guide To Income Inequality #p2 #tcot #teaparty
During the 20th century, the United States experienced two major trends in income distribution. The first, termed the "Great Convergence" by economists Claudia Goldin of Harvard and Robert Margo of Boston University, was egalitarian. From 1940 to 1973, incomes became more equal. The share taken by the very richest Americans (i.e., the top 1 percent […]