OBAMA WARNS OF ‘CORPORATE TAKEOVER OF OUR DEMOCRACY’…. We talked earlier this week about far-right interest groups collecting millions for attack ads, all in support of Republican candidates, and financed through shadowy groups awash in undisclosed donations. The NYT raised the specter of "a relatively small cadre of deep-pocketed donors, unknown to the general […]
FoxNews Sues MO Senator For Running One of their few truthful statements #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Fox News has filed an unusual lawsuit against the Democratic nominee for Senate in Missouri, Robin Carnahan, over a campaign ad that uses video from “Fox News Sunday” to take a shot at her Republican opponent, Rep. Roy Blunt. In the suit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Kansas City, Mo., Fox contends that […]
Class Warfare Started 30 years ago – Middleclass Income Down/Upper Class Income Up #p2 #tcot #teaparty
It is great that WSJ is given some time to this issue now. Most Americans already new they were falling behind. Unfortunately there is nothing on the immediate horizon that will take the middleclass back to a growing path because for all practical purposes the titans of finance have unpatriotically sold out our country in […]
NEW VIDEO: Rick Perry’s budget denial And The Facts! #p2 #tcot #teaparty
NEW VIDEO: Rick Perry’s budget denial Incumbent ignores reality, hides the truth about $18 billion hole HOUSTON — A new video released by the Bill White for Texas campaign today highlights Rick Perry’s budget denial and attempts to hide the truth about the state’s budget crisis until after the election. The video is available at: […]
Clinton Protégé Lanny Davis Attacks Maddow For Clinton Criticism Is Misplaced #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Characterizing Rachel Maddow as intolerant is silly. Rachel is not intolerant she is generally well researched unlike most “journalists”. Though she was channeling Michael Moore when she called President Clinton the best Republican since Abraham Lincoln. For the uninformed, that was a mild compliment. It was a way of calling him a centrist and not […]
Christine O’Donnell statements is tantamount to @markos “American Taliban” #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Markos Moulitsas of the DailyKos will find this article a corroboration of his new book American Taliban. After all the same lack of tolerance displayed by the Taliban is displayed by O’Donnell. Change Christian to Muslim and the similarity is undeniable. It is clear she lacks the intellect to be a Senator. That she cannot […]
This is why equitable Class Warfare a must now! Wake Up America #p2 #tcot #teaparty
This report is disheartening not because it so devastating to American families but because the data shows how badly our economic system has performed for middleclass Americans for the last 30 years. That employers no longer able or willing to provide health insurance & that had our safety net not been there so many millions […]
My Favorite Show About Weddings
The article written by Alonso Kramer My favorite show about weddings has got to be My Big Redneck Wedding. I found out when it airs by looking at http://www.bestchoicetv.com/directv-programming.html. This show is so ridiculous I can’t help but forget about all the other things I could be watching on satellite TV at that given time. […]
Victory by Seeding Middleclass With Liberal Chain Emails #p2
While the stimulus was not near large enough nor did it have enough infrastructure projects, it provably prevented a depression. Healthcare reform while not everything all liberals wanted is a good start that will stop the bleeding of most Americans’ potential of falling into bankruptcy if they get sick. Financial reform while not hard enough […]
"I am Rick Perry" — Filmmakers for Bill White #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Rick Perry has been the governor for 10 years and for many kids, he’s the only Texas governor they’ve ever known. Miguel Alvarez and Javier Bonafont, two of the Filmmakers for Bill White, highlight some of the hypocritical quotes from Rick Perry in this web video.