Many have already unbeknownst to themselves already have the thought process of the masses in “Banana Republics” as they allow the sound bites from the oligarchy to control their thoughts and emotions. Little do they know they are the seeds of their own demise. Op-Ed Columnist Downhill With the G.O.P. By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: September […]
Rachel Maddow Expose GOP Running on Democrats’ Successes As Democrats Stay Silent #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Read My Book: Blog: Twitter: While Democrats are scared to campaign on their accomplishments, Republicans are not embarrassed about vociferously attacking the stimulus bill as a product that created no jobs while begging the government for dollars claiming it will create jobs in their district. They have done the same thing with […]
The Super Rich Get Richer, Everyone Else Gets Poorer, and the Democrats Punt #p2 #tcot #teaparty
One can only conclude that the moderate Democrats are scared that if they go all out against the wealthy that take advantage legally of the structural problems with our form of capitalism that they will be financially disadvantaged in any election. I wish they would realize that an honest message that details the failing American […]
Physiic Online Community
Have you ever woken up in the morning knowing you intended to go to the gym but you did not want to get dressed, put make up on, gas up the car, head out to the gym and then return home? If that is the case then you need Physiic. If you do not have […]
Oregon Hiking
Guest post from: Steve Delaney Going hiking in Oregon is a beautiful and amazing experience. I love to go there with my friend. Prior to going hiking I always make sure to turn on my security alarm that I got from adt security company. My friend and I like to go hiking along the Columbia […]
Americans Vastly Underestimate Wealth Inequality, Support ‘More Equal Distribution Of Wealth’: Study #p2 #tcot #teaparty
If this inequalities was proportional to the value each individual had to society or proportional to the work they provided to society one could live with this. However when we have policies that actually give preferential tax treatment to income from capital over income from wealth, or when wealth is being passed down without taxes […]
Rep. John B. Larson: 10 Major New Health Reform Benefits Take Effect Today #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Rep. John B. Larson Chairman of the Democratic Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives Posted: September 23, 2010 01:44 PM Major new health reform benefits take effect today to help keep health insurance companies accountable, lower health care costs, guarantee more health care choices, and enhance the quality of health care for all […]
Republican ‘Pledge To America’ An Alternate State Of Reality #p2 #tcot #teaparty
GOP "A Pledge To America" Proves The Party Is Ideologically Bankrupt The GOP “A Pledge To America” is nothing but a sham. It offers no concrete examples on how it would reduce the budget deficit, reduce spending, or ensure every American has healthcare. This document should provide the narrative necessary for anyone opposing a Republican […]
Democrats Look To Punt On Tax Cut Debate #p2 #tcot #teaparty
I am so tired of a Party that simply does not know how to fight. The Bush Taxcut bill is a Republican bill. The Republicans if a new bill is not signed would be the ones raising taxes because of the inept bill they wrote. If the Republicans fail to pass the President’s bill cutting […]
Just The Facts About Healthcare Reform You Must Know #p2 #hcr #tcot #teaparty
Today the health insurance marketplace looks different than it did yesterday, and the changes may affect you and your family. Get the facts! Starting today, companies can’t deny coverage to children who have a pre-existing health problem. Starting today, health insurance companies must eliminate lifetime benefit caps, and phase out annual ones, so that people […]