Guest Blogger Jose Diaz Alberque A woman always feel better on the inside when she feels she looks her best on the outside. What is more beautiful than a woman who knows exactly what she wants to do with her lips and knows exactly what to do to bring out the best of her attributes. […]
Republicans Owned By Health Insurance supports the continued pilfering of middleclass
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Are Americans insane or gullible? We will find out for sure on November 2nd. When all is added up north of 30% of premiums to insurance companies are used for expenses that are completely non-medical related. Private insurance companies pay […]
Lisa Murkowski Warns Alaska Stations Not To Air Tea Party Express ‘Lies’. Does that apply to Dems too? #p2 #tcot #teaparty
I find it amusing that Lisa Murkowski wants Alaska stations to not air “Tea Party Lies”. Every Democrat, every American have been enduring Republican & Tea Party misinformation and lies for years. The reality is the GOP, FoxNews, and Right Wing talk radio have made the misinforming of and lying to Americans an art form. […]
Can The American Worker/Middleclass survive a Republican Congress #p2 #tcot #teaparty
The Republicans have not yet won the election yet they are already articulating their policies. I am unable to fathom that they are attempting to sell the repeal of the minimum wage when all charts show the income of the bottom 95% or so have fallen 5% while for the wealthy it has continuously increased. […]
Corporate Profits ‘Near-Historic’ In Second Quarter, Thanks To Cost-Cutting
I do not have a problem with corporate profit. Shareholders have a right to make money. The corporation’s responsibility is to the shareholder. That said, our government of the people by the people constitutional responsibility is to promote the well being of the citizens. The corporation and government has two different priorities. We were mostly […]
An Educated Middleclass Can Use Its Clout For Equitable Investment & Income Taxation #p2 #tcot #teaparty
The wealthy has been able to keep its political clout by creating low tax financial instrument either cloaked in secrecy with purchased political backing or throwing a few scraps to the middleclass as was life insurance. It is ironic that now that they decide it was more efficient to market to the wealthy that ignoring […]
NV Sen Candidate Sharron Angle Says Republicans Have Lost Their Principles. Really? #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Sharron Angle in fact has more principles than the Republican Party. She rightly acknowledges that while the Republican preach small government, low social services, and low taxes, the only one of those tenets they abide by is irresponsibly low taxes on the wealthy. Her principles while I find repulsive given their insensitivity to humanity has […]
Laura Flanders Interviews Markos Moulitsas About American Taliban #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Austin American Stateman Endorses #BillWhite For #Texas Governor #p2 #tcot #teaparty
The Texas gubernatorial race: Time for a change EDITORIAL BOARD Published: 6:59 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010 The temperature rises when Democratic gubernatorial nominee Bill White enters a room, but not much. When he speaks, the excitement level goes up, but gradually. His speeches are devoid of anything that takes a crowd from zero […]
#TeaParty Not Seeing Extending Bush Tax Cuts As Cost To Government – Alternate State Of Reality #p2 #tcot
WOW. Chris Wallace must be thinking about leaving FoxNews. He actually challenged the standard GOP lie about Healthcare Reform insuring illegal aliens. If we had more challenges to the misinformation earlier on not only by FoxNews(wishful thinking), but but by the mainstream media, we would have gotten a better bill and addressed more prescient policy […]