The Republicans depend on being able to misinform the population. Is it any wonder they attempt to “elitise”anyone presenting an intellectual argument to the reasons their policies fail and continue to fail. Unfortunately unlike basic Math and English, Economics is not taught in high schools as a requirement. As such the GOP is able to […]
Glenn Beck, A Danger To America’s Stability #p2 #tcot #teaparty
That someone devoid of intellect is given a platform to misinform is a danger to the country. FoxNews should be held accountable for allowing Glenn Beck to methodically misinform Americans. This is a clear and present danger that if not mitigated will continue to have the small minded people effect their Right Wing Echo Chamber […]
Paladino, Iott, O’Donnell, Angle, Paul Is The New GOP – Is that the government we want? #p2 #tcot #teaparty
That characters like Paladino Iott, O’donnell, Angle, & Rand Paul feel a kinship for the Republican party is something the party has no control over. That the party actively support them and acquiesces to their radical policies and prejudices speak volumes of what the GOP is not becoming but has become. If because of the […]
Chamber of Commerce Trying To Steal Elections And Ultimately Outsource Your Job #p2 #tcot #teaparty
My Book: Blog: Twitter: Sometimes I wonder if Democrats know how to fight or even deserve to win. This commercial is proof positive of their timidity. To state that the Chamber Of Commerce massive influence of money including foreign money to campaign for Republicans is Stealing Our Democracy” is lame. Tell people […]
YOU CAN STILL SAVE THE COUNTRY – If They Vote And You Don’t Everyone Loses
Another #TeaParty Nut: Rich Iott NAZI Dresser – If These Guys Win We Will Be Laughing Stock Of The World #p2 #tcot
The Tea Party has been going through hoops to show they are not a racist, homophobic, prejudice bunch. I have been to several Tea Parties in Houston and have met mostly misinformed folks but mostly nice people. That said, I have seen too many examples of candidates make racist, homophobic, and prejudice statements to give […]
Unemployment Rate Steady In September, Economy Sheds 95,000 Jobs
While the genesis of this horrendous employment definitely precedes President Obama and this administration, the administration and the Democratic Congress have allowed the Republicans to cower them from the steps that are needed to get us an economy that works. The fact is that we need productive stimulus. Corporations are currently very profitable and have […]
Top Nevada Republican Endorses Harry Reid, Slams Sharron Angle
I am a staunch liberal. I do have respect for real conservative Republicans that are willing to live by the tenets of their conservative policies. For the most part that type of Republican is more scarce than platinum. I do not know much about Bill Raggio. That said endorsing intellect and sanity over demagoguery and […]
Michigan Federal Judge Rejects Challenge To Health Care Overhaul #hcr #p2 #tcot #teaparty
Sanity is starting to prevail. Hopefully it will continue to grow as we get closer to the election. We need to start now as there are many uninformed, misinformed, and ill-informed early voters. While I am positive that 2012 will be a good year for Progressives given the structural failure of conservatism realized, I fear […]
Chris Matthews Pointing Out Obama’s Accomplishments Others Refuse To Acknowledge #p2 #teaparty #tcot
Kudos to Chris Matthews for having the “COJONES” to speak reality that Democrats are scared to articulate because of the perceived success of the Right Wing Misinformation Echo Chamber. My Book: Blog: Twitter: