There could be consequences in AHCA for anyone with a preexisting condition, even those who have maintained continuous insurance coverage.
Trump Says He Knows About Health Care, But Some Of His Facts Seem Alternative
Trump acknowledged to Time interviewers that health care was not an area of expertise in his previous job. “It was just not high on my list.”
Grassley, Chaffetz Send Fiery Response To HHS Memo They Say Chills Whistleblowing
HHS Secretary Tom Price’s chief of staff, Lance Leggitt, instructed employees not to have “any communications” with members of Congress or their staffs.
As Some Holdout States Revisit Medicaid Expansion, New Data Show It Pays Off
Many states that scoffed at the Medicaid Expansion to Obamacare are seeing the light. What will they do as their Senators and Congresspersons vow repeal?
Study: Affordable Care Act repeal would kill tens of thousands
Repealing the Affordable Care Act without replacing it, as some conservative hardliners are demanding, would cost a minimum of 37,127 lives over two years.
Americans Not Sold On Cost And Coverage Claims In GOP’s Health Bill
A majority of the public is skeptical the Republican health bill (AHCA) would be an improvement over the Affordable Care Act.
Five Ways The GOP Health Bill Would Reverse Course From The ACA
After literally years of promises, House Republicans finally have a bill, Trumpcare, they say will “repeal and replace” Obamacare.
ACA Fact Checker: The truth you must spread about the Affordable Care Act
A comprehensive and concise explanation of the successes of the ACA that all should know before anyone comes out in support of any repeal/replace
At Party Retreat, GOP Still Searching For Health Law Consensus
Agreement on how exactly to “repeal and replace” the federal health law is giving Republican fits as they are unable to come to a consensus.
Obama’s Challenge To GOP: Show Me Your Plan Before Repealing Mine
President Barack Obama took to the media to pressure Republicans to unveil a replacement proposal before they repeal major parts of the law.