Rep Gerry Connolly show Democrats how it is done
Rep. Darrell Issa called a hearing because of videos that surfaced where Obamacare adviser Jonathan Gruber made in-artful comments about the process of getting the law passed. Rep. Gerry Connolly ensured that the kangaroo hearing would get actual information out instead of the constant Republican demagoguery, lies, and misinformation.
Rep. Gerry Connolly reminded the hearing that it was said that the modest fines would cause employers to throw all their employees onto the health exchanges, in other words, drop their employee health coverage. Dr. Gruber said the opposite actually occurred. More employers offered insurance. In fact it rose by 10%.
Ultimately Dr. Jonathan Gruber said that his statements were misrepresented. He never meant to imply that citizens of states not setting up exchanges did not qualify for subsidies. In fact all his modelling and all government modelling assumed every citizen could qualify for subsidies based on their individual economic condition whether their state setup exchanges or not.