Anyone that does not understand Pain Management NJ has not been in severe pain. Let me tell you my story. I have a metal rod on my spine about a foot long. You see I have scoliosis. My scoliosis was a very very very severe case. In fact it was a double curve. The doctors forced my parents to approve the fusing of 5 of my vertebrae. They left the lower curve alone and said it would not be as consequential.
Over the years I have done fine. The problem is that as one ages, the elasticity in the disks is less. That said by not having the elasticity in the upper vertebrae that was fused it means shocks are not mitigated and increases the stress on the lower vertebrae.
Additionally, since the lower spine is curved, it means I have some disks in which half are in compression and the other half in tension. That condition is painful. In fact I am in pain 24 hours a day. A center that can give real pain care is a blessing. One cannot understand how important it is unless one has the 24/7/52 pain. Pain care is serious business and should be treated as such.