Skin tightening use to be a complex surgical procedure. It use to require for all practical purposes hidden butchering of skin in places no one would be looking. The things that we must go through as we age.
Luckily, there are now new procedures that allow skin tightening without the need for invasive surgery. So if you are a very busy potential patient that want to achieve a much tighter and firmer skin then one of these non-surgical procedure may be just the answer. Best of all these non-surgical procedure generally have no recovery time of consequences.
Now we can see why all those years in the sun was likely not worth it. A sun generated tan has some draw backs. A sun generated tan we know increases one’s likelihood of getting skin cancer. We know that sun generated tans changes the texture of the skin. Notice how over time it becomes rather leathery. We also know that sun generated tans increases the creases in the skin. It is good that we have a procedure that can mitigate some of these drawbacks for these “bad acts”. But do remember to tell your children that tanning or long consistent sun exposure has major drawbacks and as such they should beware.