I wrote an article last night at my blog at Coffee Party that I copied below. My Liberal Friends seem to not understand that lock in step attack on the President is unwarranted and counterproductive.
While many feel they would have negotiated a better deal or would somehow be able to stand up to the Republicans much better than the President is fool’s thinking. Do you think the President has an inherent wish to have his base mad at him? Do you think in this debate moderates or independents like the bill? As Boehner would say, HELL NO. When you have a party that does not mind taking the country down lest they get their wish, you must accept the better of two evils to save country. After all, Liberals and Progressives are the true patriots.
Liberal’s behavior in this incident mimicking the Tea Party is dangerous because if our Liberal and Progressive politicians become absolutist, irrational and selfish behavior would be nothing but self-destructive. If we want to continue and have real change, get from behind the keyboards and screens and start engaging those who need to think like Progressives. Get back those Tea Party converts that are really Progressives voting against their own interest. But you have got to get out there and work it. Only when you give the President a large enough base along with a Progressive enough Congress will you get change.
Now if you want to understand how our President operates in difficult situations read this blog from The Liberal Lamp Post.
Let me be clear, I think the Budget Control Act of 2011 is a terrible bill. The only saving grace is that it leaves Social Security, Medicaid, College Programs, and the recipient side of Medicare untouched. It also institutes deep cuts in the military budget. Above and beyond the rambling specifically by my brethren on the left, there was absolutely no way the President was going to get a better bill. Unlike Democrats and the Left, the current crop of Republicans’ actions in this one manufactured crisis indicate that they are neither interested in democracy, the rule of law, nor country.
Agreeing only to cuts in programs that disproportionately affect the poor and middle class even though the majority of Americans specifically stated they wanted a balanced approach that included increased taxes on the wealthy who were the only real beneficiaries of Bush’s tax cuts and 30 years of supply side economics , is undemocratic. Support for the selective payment of debt in the event of a default is unconstitutional (14th Amendment) and thus unlawful. Holding the threat of our country defaulting lest the President agree to no increased taxes is unpatriotic.
Many on the left accuse Obama of being naïve or not a good negotiator because he seems to negotiate from the center and then move right as opposed to starting from the left. While this is true one must ask why. President Obama was a community organizer that worked in the some of the poorest areas. He belonged to Reverend Wright’s church. Do you think in his intellect he could possibly be anything but progressive? Of course he is a Progressive but like everyone else is Washington he is foremost a politician.
President Obama is a politician with long term instincts. Obama is no accidental President. That is what Republicans fear the most and it is for that reason that they are going for broke to attempt to deny him a second term by magnifying his bouts with ineffectiveness. It is for that reason that at every turn when even a semblance of populism is uttered by the President, the Plutocracy moves into high gear. They know a reelected popular President Obama with coattails would then be unstoppable for the middle class where the groundwork however weak has been laid for the necessary economic restructuring.
Every president can be more effective. Every president makes mistakes. President Obama is no exception. In those times when he falters or when he disappoints it does neither the base nor the Progressive cause any good to weaken him by piling on as just about every progressive body, media, commentator, or journalist has.
Many assume President Obama was going to waltz into office and create change. That was really naïve. When a President gets to that office because of the share volume of issues he confronts he loses sight of those with the least power, the least visibility. Unlike the Tea Party, the left has been ineffective sans Wisconsin in creating a visible popular movement to demand progressive policy.
The ball was dropped in the 2010 election when Progressives all but stayed home allowing the Right to assume they had a mandate with their massive victory not only federally but throughout the individual states. Many blamed President Obama for not sufficiently giving Progressives a reason to vote. The debt ceiling debacle is a direct result of the Progressive’s failure to vote.
Progressives must remember that our politicians are but vessels that must be directed. Making appearances on TV, radio, blogs, and online simply is not enough. Sitting behind a computer screen and keyboard is not enough. As the Tea Party proved, and the populist movement in Wisconsin is showing, Progressives must hit the pavement and organize. Where are the bus tours to stimulate coverage for the Peoples Budget? Where is the barrage of Progressive books? Before we put all the blame on this President, it may help if he knows if he steps out or as he is prevented from stepping out he has not only a poll, but his base having his back.