Dr. Margaret Flowers and other single payer advocates took direct action this morning and got carted off to jail. Fifteen of our allies demanded to know why single payer ws not even allowed a seat at the table yesterday during ‘Mad Max" Baucus’s Senate Finance Committee sham hearing on insurance-company-friendly fake ‘reform." Look at the video here: http://www.1payer.net/action-alerts/259-protester-delays-senate-committee-opening.html
Notably, Baucus made mouth noises about the ‘respect’ he has for single payer advocates. Apparently , his respect does not extend to allowing our ideas to be heard in Congress. Meantime, his Senatorial colleagues were joking and laughing about the protest, paying it no attention. Yet, the clowns at the testimony table, including Karen Ignoble Ignani, were accorded the greatest respect by the clowns at the hearing table.
Margaret and those who were with you — you are HEROES. You make us proud. Each of us can take a lesson from you and each of us must do what we feel is the most we can do. Without all of us acting together, more millions will die through the mis-managed and neglectful health insurance driven non-system.
Baucus, your hypocrisy makes me ill. Obama, you are complicit in this crap.Journalists, your silence on single payer shows where your real professional allegiance lies — in your pockets with the big business money that lines them.
Here are the folks who were arrested this morning:
Katie Robbins
Russell Mokhiber
Kevin Zeese
Carol Paris
Margaret Flowers
Mark Dudzic
Jean Fox (?)
Adam Schneider